Alyce Marie - May 2013

The source of all Joy and Peace is within you. Joy and peace are not found in an experience or a person. Sometimes it is easier for us to recognize this essence in those expressions. They are an eternal gift of existence from the Divine Creator of All That Is. We are designed to thrive. Let God's design prosper.

5/3 - 5/5  Basic ThetaHealing® Certification Course - $395
6:00 to 10:00 on Friday; 10:00 to 6:00, Saturday-Sunday, Crystal Source, 441 W. Bedford Euless Road, Hurst, Texas 76503.  Reservation Required, 817-280-9303

5/14  Oneness Blessing - 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., Crystal Source, 441 W. Bedford Euless Road, Hurst, Texas 76053.  Everyone welcome. Love offerings support N.E.E.D.

5/17 - 5/19  Advanced ThetaHealing® Certification Course - $395
Friday-Sunday 10:00 to 6:00 at Power of the Rainbow, 1730 W. Randol Mill Road, Suite 125, Arlington, Texas 76012.   Reservation Required, 817-261-6300.

5/28  Oneness Blessing - 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., Crystal Source, 441 W. Bedford Euless Road, Hurst, Texas 76053.  Everyone welcome. Love offerings support N.E.E.D.

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Date of Last Update: 3-11-2013
Oneness Blessing is a trademark of Oneness University and is used with permission.
ThetaHealing® is a trademark of Vianna's Nature's Path and is used with permission.
Copyright © 2006-2013 by For the Joy of It. All rights reserved.
Change Is One Belief Away®