Appreciation from Alyce Marie

To Ammachi. Thank you for your hugs and devotion to all of humanity. You inspire the goddess within to come alive and thrive.

To Maya Angelou. Thank you for the words. Thank you for your voice. I have been blessed to experience your teachings in person. In a crowd of 5,000 you could hear a pin drop. I've never witnessed anyone command an audience with more grace and ease. I will always remember.

To James Twyman. Thank you for creating the Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking. When I said "yes" to this course, I had no idea the extent of these teachings or how greatly they would impact every level of my life. I continue to integrate these teachings into my life and am deeply touched by the beauty and wisdom so lovingly crafted into this course. Thank you for offering the opportunity to be ordained as a Minister of Peace. I have only just begun this path and am filled with wonder and possibilities.

To Mother Teresa. Your words and your life are a daily reminder that no thought or action is too small to change the world. I am in awe of your life.

To the Dalai Lama. Thank you for living in truth and love and peace. You have changed the world. Your smile lights my heart.

To Thich Nhat Hanh. Thank you for your amazing ability to write books that inspire peace on every level. Thank you for walking in peace every step of the way. You inspire a deeper understanding of peace within me that influences all of my choices.

To Brian Weiss, M.D. Thank you for your workshops and many books. I have learned so much from your gentle nature and wisdom.

Continuous appreciation.      Previous page of appreciation.

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Date of Last Update: 01-10-2013
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